Public organization «Federal Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy» (NGO «Fenka»)

The mission of the NGO “FENKA” is to promote the formation of tolerance and civil society in Russia through effective interaction with the state, the development of inter-ethnic dialogue and the strengthening of the Jewish community.
The NGO «FENKA» aims to preserve the national identity, the development of the Jewish language, education, and national culture. (Charter PA «FENKA»).

Tasks of NGO “FENKA”:

  1. Preservation of the national culture of the Jews and the creation of conditions for its development.
  2. Development of national education, folk art, art, research in the field of Judaica.
  3. Preservation of the national traditions of the Jews.
  4. Promoting the broad access of Russian citizens of all nationalities to the cultural heritage of Jews.
  5. Preserving the Jews as a national and cultural whole. Support projects aimed at strengthening the Jewish community.
  6. The development of cultural Jewish life, including on the basis of the historical experience of the life of the Jewish community.
  7. Building an effective dialogue with the state.
  8. Contribute to the strengthening of peace, friendship and harmony among nations. Support for projects aimed at the development of interethnic cooperation. Resource support for ethnocultural organizations.

To perform its tasks, NGO “FENKA”:

  • promotes the study of the cultural life of the Jews;
  • contributes to the preservation of Jewish national traditions, organizes and conducts various events dedicated to Jewish holidays and anniversaries;
  • cooperates in all areas of its activities with state and local authorities, with state and municipal institutions, public associations and individual citizens of Russia, the CIS and other countries;
  • collects literature, statistical data, eyewitness accounts and other materials (in the form of books, records, sound and video tapes, etc.) on all issues of Jewish culture and provides access to them;
  • contributes to the systematic teaching of citizens to Jewish languages, literature, history, philosophy, history of religion and other subjects that are integral parts of Jewish culture, which contributes to the creation of various forms of education for children and adults;
Телеканал «Губерния» рассказал о Еврейском музее Самары
В нем несколько локаций и проходят интересные туры.  
Руководитель автономии Республики Крым А.И. Гендин дал интервью газете «Мераба»
Он рассказал журналисту о деятельности национально-культурной автономии евреев РК.
Губернатор Ивановской области встретился с представителями национальных диаспор
Мероприятие, на котором присутствовала замруководителя еврейской автономии М.В. Голдин, прошло в День народного единства.
В Кисловодске прошли  праздничные мероприятия ко  Дню народного единства
Активное участие в них приняли представители Местной еврейской национально-культурной автономии города.
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